Monday, 9 April 2007

“Have you done market research?…


First, if you wanted market research, why are you asking me? I (the singular, in our case, embraces the plural, unless stated otherwise) am not the market, nor a market researcher. You wanted my opinion, didn’t you? And are very angry it doesn’t match with yours.

Second, what makes you think every question can be answered by market research? The buried need must be dug out by ceaseless observation, interspersed with flashes of inspiration, when things ‘sort of connect’. That’s called insight, I suppose. I wonder if any but the best market researcher can contribute to insight.

Even if you were to have a team of master market researchers at your side, would they be able to eliminate risk?

Third, did you do market research? If you did, was there any special reason for not showing it to me.

I wish, for business’s sake, executives learnt to take disagreement better.