Friday, 11 January 2008

4 things I must do, professionally, in 2008

Get myself into a good MBA programme, preferably in the US, preferably with CRM as the bedrock of my course. Why MBA? Because it seems to be the only step I can take to move up financially. Also, because if you can't beat them, join them. Why CRM? Because that's the one area I have some experience in. Why US? Because 19 out of 20 CRM gurus come from there.

Finish reading all the books in economics, econometrics, and multivariate analysis that I have bought. I must finish a few books on copywriting too. Most of the other books I have are classics, and it won't really hurt to wait till retirement before reading them.

Write a book on loyalty programmes, more precisely, on how agencies should run their clients' loyalty programmes, which will have everything Nobo and I think – as opposed to know - about loyalty programmes. If people find anything nice about my writing it is some idiosyncratic style and naked frustration. Nobody has ever congratulated me for scholarship. So I should stick to my strengths. This book may be useful later.

Start contributing regularly to the blogs of big copywriters and database marketers. For too long I have considered myself unworthy of their attention. That hasn't made me any more worthy.

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